Wanderium is no longer under active development. If you're interested in taking over, please reach out.

Prepare for your trip in
minutes, not hours.

Will I need vaccinations?

Let us do the work for you.

Currently available for US and Canadian citizens.

Find a destination and we'll prepare you for your trip


Your personal, all-in-one travel assistant

Stop spending hours jumping from site to site. We have it all right here.

How it works


Describe you and your trip

Fill out your travel profile and trip details.


We'll prepare you

What to do and when to do it.


Take off worry free

Know you've taken care of everything.

What travelers are saying

Don't take our word for it. See what our users have to say.

This really helped with the anxiety of trip planning.

— Chelsea Z.

I just got back from a trip and Wanderium was invaluable.

— Alex E.

I was impressed with all the information available! This is a great idea.

— Sarah B.

Common questions


How much does it cost?

Free users get 1 trip a year included and can get more trips for $15 each. Premium users get unlimited trips plus more. See pricing for more details.


Who can use Wanderium?

Currently, Wanderium is only available to US and Canadian citizens. We will expand to other countries in 2021.


Do you have an iOS or Android app?

Not yet. While Wanderium works great on your smartphone's browser, we plan to have native iOS and Android apps towards early 2020.

Help your city's visitors

We partner with governments and tourism boards around the world to ensure their visitors have the information they need to arrive prepared.

Don't leave your expensive trip up to chance.
Prepare with Wanderium.